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Friday, March 22, 2013

Omnitrition – Yes

I recently ordered omni drops and Nite lite. I should preface this post with the fact that I have severe Acid Reflux. It was November 2011 when I began to experience the most excruciating pain I had ever felt. After over a year of test and treatments for many different things, we finally figured out it was Acid Reflux. I also realized that the reflux is much worse when I am on HCG drops. This was pretty bad news to me because I had lost 42 pounds on HCG drops and I needed to lose another 40 before I quit. Alas, I could not take them. After a 6 month hiatus from HCG drops, A friend suggested I try Omnitrition's drops. So, I ordered and I took them for 6 days before the pain began. I also took the Nite lite. The drops do work, but I could not continue because the pain was too severe. The good thing about Omni is that they will let you return the drops for a full refund. The Nite lite has a horrible taste, but it works. I could take the Nite Lite at 1:00a.m. and get up at 5 a.m. for work and feel like I slept 8 hours. I wasn't groggy or pushing the snooze button. That's amazing for me! Nite lite did not cause any acid reflux pains. Other than the test, it was great. I didn't notice it putting me to sleep any faster than usual, but the quality of sleep was great.

If I didn't have acid reflux, I would definitely try the drops again.

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